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Get The Companion Course For "The Power Switch" that will exponentially speed your success...
THANK YOU for taking advantage of this special promotional offer of THE POWER SWITCH.
If you’re on fire to get results FAST, and committed to breaking out of your current shell, and stepping into your full potential as a man… Then I’m excited to extend this special discount offer to you for “How To Man.”
All men go through some terrible personal shit during the course of our lives that can leave us feeling unmoored, paralyzed in one or another area of our lives.
How To Man is an opportunity to locate a real foundation of masculine self trust from which you can break free from your current shell, and confidently take action and build the life you most want.
This is about excavating the depth of your true nature… Discovering the truth of who you are that the setbacks and social pressures over the normal course of lifetime have buried under nagging doubts and self criticism… So that you can finally become the most powerful version of your Self.
Here’s what happens when you finally “let go of the branch,” and step onto the firm ground of your Manhood:
You are suddenly accepted and respected by WOMEN and taken seriously as a MAN.
Not simply as a person or her neuter, “safe-friend”… but as a MAN who might possess her (even if she is just a friend and dating one of your buddies, she understands your innate capability to be the man who can capably possess her).
You are accepted and respected by other MEN as a Man and a brother.
You have the ability to earn the eager adoration, love, loyalty and surrender of a truly great woman to partner with you.
You develop a new and deep self-understanding that serves as your new compass in life.
You gain a sense of freedom and ease around your work and your important value as a contribution to the rest of humanity.
You feel FREE and ALIVE in your heart, and as a man.
Your Map To Complete Masculine Power
How To Man is the companion program to The Power Switch and your Masculinity Mastery membership.
It’s not a system, it’s not a “step-by-step”… it’s quite literally a new and more effective way to relate to yourself and to life.
And when you combine it with The Power Switch, you have the opportunity to live the deepest and most fulfilling life that you are capable of in your short time here.
I want to mentor you in the powerful practices that changed everything for me personally...
And I’ve teamed up with one of my own mentors, one of the most powerful and fully realized men that I know, to bring you into this brotherhood with us.
It may be uncomfortable, scary, and even painful along the way, but once you let go and step into the Truth of YOUR LIFE, you will understand that it’s worth any price.
Here’s What You’ll Learn In How To Man:
How To Man consists of twenty-six videos and an integrated workbook, where you’ll learn the secret to taking command of your life and stepping into your masculine power through lectures, demonstrations, and participation exercises.
That’s right: You will guided through real experiences in this program that are guaranteed to motivate you, challenge you, and transform you.
Here’s just a taste of what my mentor and I guarantee you’ll get from this groundbreaking program:
You will have experiences that will change your life. You will be challenged. You will not like all of it. But you will get real results.
You will gain command of the masculine principles that attract and keep high quality women — naturally, authentically, and enjoyably — and that fuel powerful physical intimacy.
You will complete this program as a confident, completely aligned, authentic, and
integrated “real” man, prepared to play a bigger game with your life, and filled with the SOCIAL CONFIDENCE that you need to succeed
You will get a four-point plan for discovering and living your most important priorities (this one exercise will completely change the way you relate to your own motivations and give you clear-headed decision making skills that set you apart from other men)
People will comment on the positive changes they see in you
You will gain respect from other men, from women, and for yourself
You will feel ease and confidence with your masculinity
And so much more...
If You Take Action NOW, You’ll Get How To Man For A Price You Can’t Get Anywhere Else
The original group of men who went through this program paid only $500 for the experience. My mentor and I made a firm decision that we wanted the price to be as accessible as possible for as many men as possible…
And since nearly all of the men had to fly in from far away cities and pay for hotels and meals, we were hell-bent on keeping the price low.
And we still feel the same way!
But since this program does zero good to the guy who gets it, decides to go through it “later,” and then forgets all about it (which you probably know is what happens to 90% of every book sold in the world), we also wanted to keep the price HIGH ENOUGH so that men felt like they had skin in the game.
In other words, we know from real data that the more men pay, the more likely they are to actually USE the program.
And for that reason, we’ve never sold it for less than $197 (currently sells on our websites for $199).
But since the only way you got to THIS PAGE is that you are a proven action-taker, and since How To Man is designed as the companion program to Masculinity Mastery, I’m making it available to you today for Only $67.00.
Of Course My Iron-Clad 100% Money-Back Guarantee Also Applies To How To Man
I am so confident in this product that I’d be comfortable asking 10 times the current asking price, and still sleep like a baby. (In fact, that would still be a helluva lot less than what you’d pay to get all of this material downloaded as a private client - which would run you right around 14 thousand dollars!)
And all of my past clients have been more than happy about paying that kind of money as a fair and worthy exchange of value ...but just in case you don’t agree, I’m also protecting your purchase with my Iron-Clad guarantee.
You have a full 60-days to put this material to use.
And if at ANY point you decide it’s not working for you, and you are not AMAZED by the breakthroughs you are experiencing, just write me back or give me a call. I’ve got an awesome team of customer support people who work every day to make sure you’re satisfied, and they’ll be happy to refund you if How To Man isn’t everything I’ve promised (and more).
I’ll let you in on one more little secret here:
In my mentor’s “other life” when he’s not teaching this program with me, he is the CEO of a multinational energy company and a highly sought after coach and advisor to some of the world’s other top CEOs and world political leaders. In fact, I can guarantee you’ve heard of many of his high-profile clients.
And if we were to base the price of this program on HIS hourly rates, it would be well into the 6-figures!
He only works with men he considers “world changers” to help them optimize their power and performance in the world, exactly because he wants to maximize his own influence in his lifetime to make a better world.
This is a rare opportunity to get in on life-changing secrets that have only been available to a tiny elite in the past.
Which means that, if you’re even TEMPTED to buy it, you should.
Because that will lock in your spot, and give you the chance to review the entire course to see for yourself. And since you’re protected by my guarantee, you’re not committed to paying for it unless you love it, and agree that it is going to change your life for the better.
So if you want to learn the secret to finally facing your fears and stepping into your Greatness…
If you want to learn how to destroy your self-critical voice and your self-doubt…
If you want live with the RESPECT and admiration of women…
If you want to learn the “Self-Made Man’s Secrets” of financial freedom, and gain the peace of mind that comes from knowing your value, and knowing that you can trust yourself to secure your future…
If you want to create intimate relationships with women that are passionately charged, authentic, fun, and fulfilling…
Then there’s one blindingly obvious option for you…
Add How To Man to your order, claim your spot, watch the course, and THEN decide if it’s worth every penny you paid for it.
The choice is yours…
* I Understand This Price Is ONLY Available As An “Add-On” To My Purchase
ABOUT OUR COMPANY: Life Love Passion, Inc, is an established training and coaching company for dating, relationship, intimacy, and personal development. We've been in business for 13 years. We do NOT sell "pick up advice," or any deceptive or socially toxic practices. We provide live and on-demand personal development training to individuals in more than 20 countries. We have numerous 5-star reviews from clients as well as partners in the personal development industry.
DISCLAIMER: Any specific results stated above (or during the training) are Alex's personal results or the results of our clients. Please understand that Alex's results and the results of our clients are not typical, we're not implying you'll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who follows any "how to" information gets little to no results. We're using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including (but not limited to) your background, experience and work ethic. All personal development takes consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, this is not for you.
NOT PART OF FACEBOOK: This site is not part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is not endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of Facebook, Inc.
** NOTICE: This material is for for ADULTS ONLY Please read the terms and conditions document before purchasing "The Power Switch" or accepting your free trial of "The Masculinity Mastery Membership". You must be at least 18 years of age.
We offer every "The Power Switch" customer an important continuing-education opportunity with "Masculinity Mastery".
By agreeing to accept your 14-day trial to Masculinity Mastery, you accept and understand that you may cancel membership fees at any time by sending an email to (including prior to the first billing). You will be billed with the discounted rate of $25 each month after your 14-day free trial until you cancel. If you do not want your trial, please un-check the box listed next to "Masculinity Mastery" above to forgo your free trial. The videos and images on the videos and all the advice therein is intended to be used by responsible adults for entertainment purposes only.
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.