Discover The Blindspot That Is Causing Her To Pull Away

Take This FREE Relationship Quiz To Find Out "What's Your #1 Attraction Blocker" In Your Relationships

Discover The Blindspot That Is Causing Her To Pull Away

Take This FREE Relationship Quiz To Find Out "What's Your #1 Attraction Blocker" In Your Relationships

As Seen On...

Alex Allman is the creator of the best selling books and programs that have helped tens of thousands of men, women, and couples enjoy more passionate relationships, overcome insecurities, create deeper intimacy and communication, and improve their confidence in relationships.

He has found 3 unconscious archetypes (Attraction Blockers) that sabotage relationships for most men.

Knowing your Attraction Blocker is the first step to unlocking your woman's natural attraction and finally having the fun, playful, and passionate relationships you've always wanted.

Alex Allman is the creator of the best selling books and programs that have helped tens of thousands of men, women, and couples enjoy more passionate relationships, overcome insecurities, create deeper intimacy and communication, and improve their confidence in relationships.

He has found 3 unconscious archetypes (Attraction Blockers) that sabotage relationships for most men.

Knowing your Attraction Blocker is the first step to unlocking your woman's natural attraction and finally having the fun, playful, and passionate relationships you've always wanted.

What's YOUR #1 Attraction Blocker?

Take This FREE 5 Minute Quiz To Find Out

Explaining Your
Unique Archetype
And How to Re-Ignite
Your Relationships

Take This FREE 5 Minute Quiz To Find Out Your #1 

Attraction Blocker And Level Up Your Relationships Today

Alex, I have to tell you that [...] I now seem to hit the "Trigger" inside EVERY female brain ;) You've been one of the most profound influences on my romantic life. Big hugs,


Hello Alex,I really love your videos/material on attraction.Unlike other programs out there, It's very realistic and devoid of all the hype. Thank you for your great work.


I have been married twice now and have been in my second marriage for 17 years, I have been to all the marriage counsellors and Catholic priests I can take, we have had many hard times and difficult situations that were out of our control, but now thatI have read your information I believe I can see what went wrong in my first marriage and is affecting my second marriage, I can see where I can put it to good use, this is the best and effective information I have received and can understand! Thank you for giving us hope!


It takes amazing courage to heal. The world needs more warriors, such as yourself, to spread more vulnerability, strength and love. Your language is awesome, impactful and honest. I really appreciate your dedication to helping men (and their women) get to higher ground.

Robert & Vickie

Learning How to man and how to show up as a man has greatly improved my marriage. I appreciate all the advice and encouragement. E.g. My wife actually wore a néglige (never in 22 years), is going into the sauna with me (not naked yet, but she'll get there) feels confident enough to go to Yoga, first row, bending over in front of me on purpose (even when she feels fat) Holding a masculine space and being confident has released her to be the woman she desires to be.


...Following a separation and divorce that ended a 40 year marriage...I believe that your materials have provided a defining moment... the achievement in a very powerful way of so much that I have long been searching for... The result is that I finally feel an internal confidence, a certainty that I will be able to find the right woman with whom I want to share the rest of my life and just as importantly, I am SURE that I will be secure in knowing what to do when I do find her...


I am naturally genuine, to a fault sometimes, and your advice on how to use that to develop incredibly fulfilling and damn near transcendent relationships with anyone I choose has skyrocketed ALL aspects of my life. Simply, thank you Alex.


I recently reunited with a woman that I thought had no chance with initially, and ended up having the best night of my life! You worded this so perfectly, that it felt like the universe speaking to me. You are a great man Alex. Your actions ripple on into eternity.


I could tell you how you work has impacted my life... How your words have lifted me out self worthlessness, how your research has shifted the way I see, treat and experience women, how I have never felt more confident, competent, and masculine. And , how the women in my life, as well as friends and even strangers have benefited from my shift. But, I won't. I'll just say, thank you. So much!


Some of your insights are so subtle and powerful, they cut straight through the bullshit and hit me right in the heart. You were the first personal development teacher I had and you continue to be the most insightful in my eyes. You have a kind, genuine heart and it speaks through you.


This has served as a huge inspiration to come back and take my role as a man back again in my life. So thank you for that, what you do for us is amazing Alex.


Your work/information has changed my life to say the least. You're a beast. Can't put into words how amazing and powerful what u do is. Thank u.


Your approach positively shocked me! You are a master of communicating with people and the ease and assertive confidence with which you persuaded me to actually do the exercises made ME confident.After just a few days at it I feel the powerful change in my persona, perception of the world around me and I even got a my energy level to new heights. I'm committed to doing the exercises and can't wait to see where this program would take me!!I have a female friend who fancies me and I fancy her back. She instantly noticed something is going on with me and started opening up to me slowly. [...] Now I feel like the only inspiration I need is myself and that feels great.


I'm sixty years old (but still young at heart), and appreciate the wisdom in what you write [...]I recently 'took up the reins' and ended a long but mostly miserable marriage. I am now embarking on a new relationship with a beautiful woman, inside and out, and enjoying it every step of the way.Hopefully the younger men who read your work can appreciate the wisdom in what you write, avoid some of the pitfalls, and fast-track their way to being the best they can be.Keep up the great work that you do.Best regards,


Hi Alex, just wanted to thank you for your work. This year has been the most challenging and emotional of my life and largely due to your teachings I believe that my Husband and I will see our 19th wedding anniversary rather than divorcing.


** Some testimonials have been edited for brevity and to the privacy of the men who wrote them

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