Stepping Into Your Masculine Power
It was right before New Years when I first posted this video, and I got an avalanche of emails from men who said that it had completely changed their lives, from just a single listening.
I was still living full-time in the Caribbean back then. And after a long, late-night conversation with a small group of close male friends who were profoundly affected when I shared these insights with them, I woke up in the morning and spit it straight into my web-cam.
Even though the sound is terrible, and the video quality is even worse, every year I send this out to the men on my list around New Years– and it remains, every year, one of the most popular things I share.
Even if you’ve seen it before, it’s worth revisiting as we take stock of our battles won and lost, and we lay our plans to be better men, for ourselves and for those that we love, in the NEW YEAR:
Over the years I continued to add new material to the Passionate Lover Passionate Life program, eventually re-naming The Power Switch... and then continued to take the curriculum even deeper with programs like "How To Man," with my mentor Nathan, and more specific with programs like "The Playmate Switch" and "TEC." The entire curriculum continues to grow as HowToManTV.
I hope this video was as meaningful to you as it was to me when I first made these distinctions in my own life.
As promised, and as I’ve done every year since recording this, here is your special link to take advantage of my annual:
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